About AudioBible.Live

Hey there! Welcome to AudioBible.Live, where spiritual enlightenment meets convenience!

I’m Harshit Brave, a male nurse with a passion for computer science and technology. I’m thrilled to have you here as we embark on a journey that combines my love for technology with my deep-rooted faith. Let me share our story. Remember those days when a hand crank audio Bible player brought the word of God to life? Well, I do. And the memory of it brought tears to my eyes on March 29th 2021, I encountered something that brought me back to the memory lane where growing up, my family and I cherished those moments when we gathered around, soaking in the soothing words of God. But when that trusty device broke, we were left yearning for that divine connection.

Fueled by my determination, I scoured the internet for a solution. To my dismay, I found nothing that matched our heartfelt experience. But that setback didn’t stop me. I knew there had to be a way to listen to the word of God anytime, anywhere. That’s when the idea struck me like a bolt of lightning. I registered the domain hindibible.live and set out on a mission to create something extraordinary. I wanted to build a platform that goes beyond boundaries, bringing the Audio Holy Bible to people in their native languages.

Fast forward to today, and AudioBible.Live is a reality. Imagine a web audio directory that houses the Audio Holy Bible in over 9+ Indian languages and 25+ International languages. It’s a treasure trove of spiritual nourishment, accessible at your fingertips. But we’re not just about audio Bibles. We understand that your spiritual journey encompasses more. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of other essential spiritual resources, providing you with a holistic experience.

So, are you ready to embark on a remarkable odyssey of faith, hope, and spiritual enlightenment? Join us at AudioBible.Live and let the divine word touch your soul. Together, let’s transcend barriers and unlock the power of spiritual wisdom. Get ready to experience the joy of listening to the word of God whenever you need it.

Welcome to a world where spirituality meets technology. Welcome to AudioBible.Live.​